- +91 9633678896, +91 9961937624
- info@buzinessmonk.com
Research proven statistics show that 87% of workers are not satisfied with their assigned jobs in one or the other way. Neuroplasticity is not a new term in neuroscience, but yes, we have the expertise to change their attitude to the workplace through focused learning programs.
To be an effective member in a team with a readiness to respond towards an immediate challenge like, a self-made leader is always a blessing. Through our innovative input on customised leadership programs, we are uniquely placed to design minds into this state of blissfulness.
Professional engagement in social media is a big challenge in today’s digital world. And, to manoeuvre effectively through social media is more of an art that requires expert guidance. We help our participants to develop the right habit to engage in social media with a professional business attitude.
Inquisitive human minds always look for the best for desired comfort and lifestyle, be it in procurement of product or service. Only a confident few can handle such minds with their innate ability to connect them instantly. We are equipped with the selective management tools to hone their skills and make them experts in sales and services.
A Hassle-free work environment is essential for the employees to contribute their best for the growth of an organisation. Conflict of interests as well as differences in skills attribution may be a hindrance to achieve this goal. We have credible resource persons with both academic and industry experience to impart soft skills through innovative training programs.
Nature is the mother to cater all of our needs including emotional well-being. To be in peace with nature matters the most in today’s world. Our innovative outbound programs can really make the difference for you and your organisation with tailor-made experiential learning programs. Be sure, it will help you stay in tune with nature to always think positive.
Wellness is sacrosanct to our wellbeing in the organization where we work, or the society we live in. It refers to a state of mind wherein each one of us is entitled to lead a life focused in the present with decreased level of stress and increased level of happiness. We help such aspirants to make it a life-time habit, as well.
With the ever-changing market environment in today’s fast paced world, the business houses need to realign their business processes from time to time to remain competitive with their products and services. We are always ready with our consultancy toolkits to assist the SMEs and Family owned Businesses to maintain business growth and profitability.
No matter how sturdy your running business, there will always be ups and downs in the business cycle. At times, situations might warrant restructuring of business from different perspectives viz. operation, marketing, manpower and finance. Be assured, we will be at your beck and call to meet your immediate need and requirement to keep the business afloat.